Saturday, October 15, 2011

What Are Some New Industry Trends Authors Are Doing To Promote Their Book?

As an inspiring author, I researched some trends that authors today are doing to market and promote their books. To my surprise I was amazed at the different directions authors are going. For instance, many authors dream is to get published by a major publisher, however, that has become slim. Most major publishers are signing an A-List client first such as celebrities or well known already authors. At the same time, some well-known authors are experiencing the same reaction from the major publishers as well. What was interesting in what I found was the way authors are going about getting their book out to the public. In addition, technology has opened up a new world for author’s to promote his or her book out faster. This is going to amaze some of you who are self publishing your book as well if you are stuck on what to do about promoting your book. Many authors today are doing what you call a blog for their book promotion. This is great in my opinion because it’s another way in building more of a fan base! An author can post their book blog on their social networks, and their websites. Many authors I read are putting sample chapters each month to their blogs. This is called a teaser. It causes the reader to want more of the author’s book waiting in anticipation for their book release. Making a website is another way to get readers to know about an authors book and about the author. Please make sure you have copy written your book first before posting your book chapters to anything!
            A website is another great site a customer can buy an author's book by ordering with PayPal, and read sample chapters from the book. According to Professor Craft "having resources on an author’s website as well is good to have" (Craft, K. 2011). On my website I would have some resources for victims of domestic violence to get help. As an author who is writing a book on domestic violence, I want the customers to buy my book on my site, but also a T-shirt, a coffee mug, and a tote bag with the books image on it to make the customer feel engaged to my book. The title of my book is a hook, so a reader would buy the additional items because the hook makes a person think towards a positive mind. I won’t stop there, how about a CD single to go along with the book sung by me. Although, it is not wise to sing if you can't, you may get bad reviews! Finding mentor's to get reviews for an author's book is great for recommendations. I may choose to make a deal with my therapist I had counseling with to sell my book in his office. This reason is because he deals with domestic violence victims a lot who can read my book to help them heal even faster. In exchange I will promote his business on my website and social networks. An author has to think outside the box in order to become successful and stand out.
It doesn’t stop there, some authors are also sending out mass emails that are free as well of their chapters to draw customers to buy their book when it’s published. Some authors I read are partnering up with independent stores like Costco, Starbucks, Sam’s Club and specialty stores to sell their books. Don’t forget about if you are a college graduate that it maybe in your best interest to get your book published in your school’s alumni magazine.  All of this is building the buzz about the book. Research is amazing to an author who is diligently searching how to get their book out when the big publisher’s are not talking to them. However, once an author get enough buzz about their book and make some decent money, the author may get that phone call from a big publisher that wants to sign them. The big publisher may come looking for the author if they feel the book is profitable to their standards. If this happens to an author, the author can negotiate a better publishing deal on his or her terms! 
In conclusion, whatever is best for promoting and marketing the book, always remember going above and beyond helps in becoming successful than being mediocre. Here is a link to help authors and inspiring authors check out for more idea’s to market their book. I wish you all great success in your book endeavors.

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