Sunday, October 30, 2011

Music Artists Today And Digital Marketing

As technology expands within the entertainment industry, signed artists and Independent artists expand his and her ideas in being creative for maximum exposure in the music industry. Today artists are connecting more with their fans by developing personal relationships that allow their fans to follow them on social net works, artist blogs, and artist’s websites. It’s hard to believe that over a decade ago the only way fans could feel connected close to their favorite artist was to mail letters, email and win a chance to meet the artist. MySpace was one of the first places online artists tuned to for marketing and promoting their new album or single. Of course record labels marketed and promoted their artists too, but artists began to recognize something more personal when he and she connected with their fans on their social network site like MySpace. Fans are able to communicate with their favorite artist by keeping up with the latest news of concert promotions, artist appearances, album and single releases. This cycle exploded causing other social network sites to jump-start their sites to be compatible with MySpace. Soon after, Facebook took it to another level and artists began marketing and promoting having their own fan page on Facebook connecting with more fans. Twitter on the other hand did a twist and introduced online tweets from artists. Fans are excited to read what the artist is doing by reading the artists tweets and tweeting back to the artist. All of this began a domino effect in the entertainment industry and technology continues to improve more effectively. Everyone who is already known, and everyone trying to become known in the industry is utilizing the many directions digital marketing is guiding.
Independent artists have to push harder to market and promote themselves because there are no big labels pushing the sale of the artist music. Substantial finances play a big part when it comes to marketing and promoting artists music. Independent artists are more limited than artist signed. Independent artist have taken advantage more of their social network sites and created personal websites that features their music, merchandise, showcase appearances, and other resources about themselves. More artists today are going independent because he and she have better control of their music career.

It is independent artist like Shanice <Wilson>Shanice Wilson who gives other independent artist encouragement. She is an example like many other artists who utilize her social network sites and her very own website called www.shaniceonline.comto market, promote and brand her self. Shanice Wilson navigated her way up the music charts in the early 90’s as a dynamic R&B soul singer. She was signed to Motown Records in 1991 featuring her album called Inner Child with the popular song “I Love Your Smile”. It was after 1999 Shanice went independent as an artist. By 2006 Shanice brought her single out “Every Woman Dreams”. Since then Shanice has been utilizing her social networks and personal website to promote and market her music. Fans are excited to be able to reconnect with Shanice in a more personal way. Never before has it been easier for artists to reach their fans faster from around the world by online presence.
 Here is Shanice singing her new song "Tomorrow"

Reference: Wilson, S. 2011. YouTube "Tomorrow". Retrieved October 30, 2011 from
Wilson, S. 2011. Retrieved October 30, 2011 from

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What Are Some New Industry Trends Authors Are Doing To Promote Their Book?

As an inspiring author, I researched some trends that authors today are doing to market and promote their books. To my surprise I was amazed at the different directions authors are going. For instance, many authors dream is to get published by a major publisher, however, that has become slim. Most major publishers are signing an A-List client first such as celebrities or well known already authors. At the same time, some well-known authors are experiencing the same reaction from the major publishers as well. What was interesting in what I found was the way authors are going about getting their book out to the public. In addition, technology has opened up a new world for author’s to promote his or her book out faster. This is going to amaze some of you who are self publishing your book as well if you are stuck on what to do about promoting your book. Many authors today are doing what you call a blog for their book promotion. This is great in my opinion because it’s another way in building more of a fan base! An author can post their book blog on their social networks, and their websites. Many authors I read are putting sample chapters each month to their blogs. This is called a teaser. It causes the reader to want more of the author’s book waiting in anticipation for their book release. Making a website is another way to get readers to know about an authors book and about the author. Please make sure you have copy written your book first before posting your book chapters to anything!
            A website is another great site a customer can buy an author's book by ordering with PayPal, and read sample chapters from the book. According to Professor Craft "having resources on an author’s website as well is good to have" (Craft, K. 2011). On my website I would have some resources for victims of domestic violence to get help. As an author who is writing a book on domestic violence, I want the customers to buy my book on my site, but also a T-shirt, a coffee mug, and a tote bag with the books image on it to make the customer feel engaged to my book. The title of my book is a hook, so a reader would buy the additional items because the hook makes a person think towards a positive mind. I won’t stop there, how about a CD single to go along with the book sung by me. Although, it is not wise to sing if you can't, you may get bad reviews! Finding mentor's to get reviews for an author's book is great for recommendations. I may choose to make a deal with my therapist I had counseling with to sell my book in his office. This reason is because he deals with domestic violence victims a lot who can read my book to help them heal even faster. In exchange I will promote his business on my website and social networks. An author has to think outside the box in order to become successful and stand out.
It doesn’t stop there, some authors are also sending out mass emails that are free as well of their chapters to draw customers to buy their book when it’s published. Some authors I read are partnering up with independent stores like Costco, Starbucks, Sam’s Club and specialty stores to sell their books. Don’t forget about if you are a college graduate that it maybe in your best interest to get your book published in your school’s alumni magazine.  All of this is building the buzz about the book. Research is amazing to an author who is diligently searching how to get their book out when the big publisher’s are not talking to them. However, once an author get enough buzz about their book and make some decent money, the author may get that phone call from a big publisher that wants to sign them. The big publisher may come looking for the author if they feel the book is profitable to their standards. If this happens to an author, the author can negotiate a better publishing deal on his or her terms! 
In conclusion, whatever is best for promoting and marketing the book, always remember going above and beyond helps in becoming successful than being mediocre. Here is a link to help authors and inspiring authors check out for more idea’s to market their book. I wish you all great success in your book endeavors.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Is the traditional business model of publishing changing?

As I have researched the Internet about the best way in getting my book published, I have discovered some changes with the business model of traditional publishing. First, let me say, I am happy about writing my biography of my life. I use to be a victim of domestic violence, abused in a bad marriage. Many victims are not here today to tell their story, and that is why I am very grateful that God gave me the opportunity to tell my story to inspire those whom are going through domestic violence, or those who had a family member or friend who did. I believe it is critical for me to understand the new changes for getting my book published. It also means as an author, I understand the new roles that today’s authors are facing. 
Once upon a time about two decades ago, authors wrote their stories on a typewriter, used white out, and rewrote their stories over and over again. This kind of writing made authors frustrated, stressed if words were misspelled incorrectly, and few authors finished their stories due to so much time having to be put into writing from typing on the typewriter. If an author did finish their book, the next step was getting it professionally edited, shopping for a publisher, a literary agent, and so on. However, today more people are writing because technology has changed. Now more people have PC’s in their homes, which cuts down an author’s frustration for misspelled words and using white out for corrections. The computer has caused more first time writers to write books and get them published. Word processor programs, publishing software, and sophisticated laser printers contribute in helping people write novels more today also. Let’s talk about why is traditional publishing changing. First, I can say that when I researched about today’s publishing business model, I discovered that if an author independently self published them selves a couple of decades ago, the author’s work was not considered good and lacked talent. Today that has changed. More authors are self-publishing their books because publishing companies have made it almost impossible to support an author unless he or she is well known and famous which is called an A-List client. Secondly, being a celebrity or a famous author, more popular literary agents are publishing more big name clients instead of un-known authors.  Publishing companies are taking a fine tooth-comb and looking to see where and how they will be successful in profits for signing celebrities because after all, agents make his or her living by commission.
A regular author has a far less chance in making a living writing a book today. According to Steven Mather “it has become more difficult for the aspiring writer to get published and make any significant money doing so”, “You can’t make a living at writing, but you can make a killing” (Mather, S. 2009, Para. 4). The reason it’s harder for an author to make a lot of money quickly is because more people are writing and less people are buying hard copy books. The digital era is in. More authors have to work harder because of their competition, advertise them selves by using creative marketing techniques, and getting an agent to shop for a reputable publishing company.  I will be honest, I never dreamed of writing a book, but because I have an Apple computer that is the latest technology of PC’s, I thought it would be easier to write my book. Is it easy writing? I will say it has been challenging, but I am determined. I have not made up in my mind which way to go as far as self-publishing or shooting for a big literary agent. I’m almost convinced I would do better to self publish my book. I was amazed at the astonishing number of authors that were published over the last two decades.
Steven Mather states the number of new books published per year has skyrocketed from 50,000 in 1985 to near 200,000 in 2004, many written by first-time writers (Mather, S. 2009, Para 4). So all you first time authors, good luck, and much success to you all.
Mather, S., (2009). Is the future of traditional publishing changing? Retrieved on October 6, 2011 from

Mather, S. (2009). Has the traditional business model of publishing begun to change? Retrieved on October 6, 2011 from