Sunday, January 29, 2012

Music Artists Following Trends and Technology

As a recent graduate, I realize that the music industry continues to change with technology and trends. I recently was given a position as an intern on an online satellite radio station called Swurvradio in December of 2011. My position is to write music reviews and artists interviews. It has been no surprise to me that music artists today are following music industry trends and technology if they want to be successful in his and her music careers. 

Each artist that I write music reviews on have their own social media site, webpage, and use SEO to increase their visibility online in the search engine. The trends today for artists is to utilize their social media sites to build their fan base for popularity online presence, and having a smart phone app to make it more convenient for fans to follow them. This is also known as the new music business model for artists to promote and brand their image. On Swurvradio, I am learning that if an artist does not have at least 5,000 fans following them on at least one of the social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, the station will not consider them for a music review or interview.
Most of the artists are independent artists that Swurvradio caters to. However, major label artists are played on the station as well with music review’s I write about. This prepares me to excel for learning how the music industry radio stations work with playing artists on their stations. I find it is harder with independent artists to have more than 5,000 fan base or views because less people know about them. In addition, there are some independent artists out there in the music industry that I have done interviews on and music reviews that have over 30,000 fans and views for their music. I find this amazing!                        
This is due to technology that has allowed music artists today to change the way they can market their music careers. 
A good example of this would be that more music artists have more control for the sales of their music with new distribution methods such as using iTunes, CD Baby, MySpace and so on. Record labels are not happy about this because they have less control of the sales, and are currently trying to strategically figure out how to gain back artists record sales. However, currently Sony Records is taking on Apples iTunes for music steaming called, “MusicUnlimited” that began in September 2011

 The company has strategically been planning this service for some time, and will allow users to use several services like iTunes, but with added services such as viewing music videos on their Vevo site.
In conclusion, music artists today is moving more into a trend and technology era giving fans more interaction with their favorite artists. Fans feel even a deeper relationship with their artists because technology has brought a more personal interaction between artists and fans. As I continue to learn how trends and technology is shaping the music industry, I will have a better knowledge on how to apply what I learn to the different work assignments I become involved in.
Here are a couple of independent artists and major label artists video's using YouTube to promote their music.

  Independent Artist Traum Diggs   "Sax Fifth Ave Flow" featuring Willliz Freeman

   Independent artist Emma White

One Love!
Monique Williams

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