Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reality Shows

Today in the entertainment industry, more and more celebrities are doing reality shows based upon their own lives. There are shows such as The Kardashians, Braxton Family Values, Real House Wives of Atlanta, The Bachelor, Lisa Raye The Real McCoy, and Survivor who grabs their fans attention by allowing their everyday lives in being exposed. Some of the top reality shows is with Toni Braxton called “Braxton Family Values”, “The Kardashians”, and Lisa Raye The Real McCoy have top ratings because they keep their fans watching. For instance, on Braxton Family Values, the sister Tamar brings more drama than most soap operas that were watched during the 80’s and 90’s. Tamar is always the sister who tells everyone’s business, and makes it her business to express how she feels. Toni Braxton on the other hand, is the most laid back of her sisters who tries to keep the peace with due to their creative lifestyles. Braxton Family Values allows their fans to see the real Braxton’s and how they cope with their fame as singers and family. Take a moment to view a clip.

The Kardashions have had over five seasons showing their lifestyle to their fans. The show has allowed fans to see the Kardashians Empire and the success it has had over the years. All though the Kardashians have received the most criticism because of their spoiled behavior at times, fans continue to watch. The most popular Kardashian as we know it is Kim, because of her distinctive beauty as some have mention in the industry has allowed her fans to see she really is not snobby as some thought she was. Kim has actually been recognized as the less dramatized sister than Chloe. Take a look at this interview and you judge for yourself.

Lisa Raye the Real McCoy is viewed as the glamor girl of the reality shows. Lisa demonstrates her diva attitude. She allows her fans to see her in action with charity work, a loving mother to her only child Kai, and her hard work in show business. Lisa is all about the money, and being the best in anything she puts her hands on. She takes you on different journeys to see her in action whether it is camping, shopping, modeling shows and etc. She’s a woman who is looking for love and has no shame in expressing to her dates exactly what she wants. Lisa’s show allows her fans to see the real McCoy, bold and beautiful! Check out Lisa Raye the Real McCoy.

Reality shows are growing and in my opinion, I can’t help but wonder, is this where television is headed? I thought there was more creativity than this, but that’s entertainment for you! Goodnight.



Saturday, June 4, 2011

Whats Up With These Gas Prices?

How many times have Americans been angry for the rising gas prices? I can’t really statically answer that, but I do know we as Americans have experienced this madness of gas rising. It has affected us as an economy as a whole. Jobs have been closed, and downsized. Organizations that service customers with their vehicles have been hit harder than other organizations. Organizations such as school districts who use fuel for their buses have been affected causing the company to plan strategically on the use of their buses. It cost a at least a $100,000.00 to run a school bus for trips and routes. Airline prices are another organization that has been affected by the rising gas prices. People travel less now because the cost of traveling is greater than ever before.  High fuel prices in my opinion play with the economy’s emotions. Gas stations such as Chevron, 76 Gas, Mobil, Valero, Exxon, and so on have been at their most highs in the last five years. Gas today averages out in California about $4.09 for regular and $4.19 for the super in most areas. You have exceptions that the gas is still extra high in certain upper class cities. However, in March of 2010, gas prices went down in California with the regular unleaded gas being $3.05. Around the United States in March of 2010 regular gas was $2.75, and fuel was $2.90. When can we see these kinds of prices again? What do people think of the rise of gas? <High Gas Prices>.  

People have their preferences of which gas station may save them a little more money. The off brand gas stations have the nerve to be running neck and neck with the brand name gas stations. I can’t believe this. You would think the off brand gas stations would be smart enough to make their prices a little more competitive. I’ve decided to check out Exxon Mobil Gas financial statement of cash flow from the state of New York to see how much money they had made annually in the last three years. I discovered Exxon Mobil’s cash flow in 2008 net income in U.S. dollars was $45,220.00 million, 2009- 19,280.00 million, and 2010- $30,460.00 million. As you can see in 2009 Exxon Mobile suffered a big loss of money. However, Exxon Mobil’s cash from operations in 2008 was $59,725 million, 2009- $28,438.00 million, and $48, 413.00 million.  I also decided to look at their total revenues for the last three years and I discovered Exxon Mobil’s biggest loss of revenues at the end of the fiscal year in December was again in 2009 with the earning of only $277,019. At the end of December of 2010 Mobil increased their revenues by over $66 million U.S. dollars in one year. All of this money made by fuel companies is due to the rise of gas and fuel. I know people are tired of being robbed and there has to be a better solution. If you know let me know. Do you wish you could change the prices yourself? Well, this news reporter tried!

References: Income statement: Bloomberg Business Week. (2011). Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM: New York)

Cash flow statement: Bloomberg Business Week. (2011). Exxon Mobil Corp. (New York).